Sunday 1 November 2015

Texture Map Deconstruction and Analysis

This week we were given the task to alter a texture map of a girl and turn her into a zombie. The original texture map appeared like this.

Before turning the girl into a zombie we had to make the following changes first: 

·        change the jackets colour by altering the Base Colour layer
·        Find a cloth texture image online to replace the existing one
·        Add a new logo to the back of the jacket.

      I altered the green jacket by changing the colour to pink and I added an embossed logo to the back of the jacket. I also adjusted the girls face by finding a photograph of a model and layering it on top of the current face. I then began to add features to make the girl appear like a zombie.

Above is all the detail I added to the texture map.

Here is the final 3d model.

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