Sunday 1 November 2015

Battle Area - 3D Production

For the 3D production side of my course I have been asked to create a battle arena using Maya. Like any other project I researched into different ideas and created a mood board to display my battle arena concept.

I looked into games that are based in a post - apocalyptic/urban jungle environment such as the game submerged. I also like certain elements from fallout 3 and Aztec architecture. I began by creating basic features in Maya as shown below.

I created this mood board to display where my ideas came from. I like the environmental detail from submerged and would like to create similar tropical foliage in my battle arena. The basic architecture of  my arena was inspired by Mayan culture and I have tired to reflect that in my modelling.

This is my current model of a battle arena. My next step is to refine the basic polygons, create a backdrop, create foliage and begin texturing.

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