Saturday 12 December 2015

Dynamic form using 4 values

This weeks classwork involved painting over a silhouette of a Mech. Our instructions for this assignment were: 

You have been supplied with a photoshop file containing the silhouette of the mech character already blocked in with 85% grey and 3 further value swatches to paint with.

Using the 3 remaining value swatches, paint in the lit surfaces and the line work as accurately as you can from the reference pic. This is also an exercise in developing your craft, visual judgement and hand eye coordination.
Be sure to place the values consistently:
·      Use the lightest value only for the upward facing surfaces
·      The medium value for the front/angled surfaces.
·      The darkest value is for the minimal linework and shadow areas.
Use the Hard Round Pressure Size brush (4th in the default set). Set opacity to 100%. Paint solid areas of value, no soft edges or scritchy scratchy waffle!

The silhouette looked like this:

I followed the assignments instructions and started to build up the colour.

Once I had finished building up the colour I duplicated the mech twice and reduced the value range.

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