Friday 11 December 2015

Battle Arena Development

Over the past couple of months I have been developing my battle arena. I changed the model several times as I was unhappy with the appearance as I felt it didn't depict the theme I was going for .

This was my original concept for my battle arena.

However, I developed the arena by adding in a bumpy terrain to give the appearance of sand and changed the temple. I did some further research into Mayan/Inca architecture and applied it to  my temple model. Here is a wireframe of the finished design.

I then textured the arena using UV maps. Here is an example of what I created in Photoshop for the sides of my temple. 

This is the completed battle arena with textures including props and foliage.

I then created a unity project where I placed the arena into and added a skybox to create an atmosphere. I also animated the camera and exported it to display the full arena.

This is the complete arena.

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