Tuesday 1 December 2015

Anthropomorphic Frog

This weeks task for Visual design was to create an anthropomorphic frog. For inspiration I took to google to look for some images of anthropomorphic characters. I particularly focused on characters that were dressed up or had human type features such as hair. I created a mood board for reference. 

I then opened a blank canvas in photoshop and sketched out an outline for my frog character.

Once I had my outline I looked back at my mood board to find inspiration for a good colour palette to use for my character. I noticed the majority of the images were brightly coloured so I settled for contrasting greens.

I added lipstick, a necklace and bow to my character to give the indication of her age. My character is supposed to be a teenager similar to Coco from Crash Bandicoot. I didn't want to add too many human characteristics to my character as I think it would lose its appearance of a frog.

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